Problems Lead To Growth
Most people look at the difficulties of life as if they are some horrible catastrophe, if you do, you are not alone. Most people face problems with a great deal of negativity and frustration. You may feel like life is handing you the worst possible circumstances, but your response is a choice. You don’t have to get upset when difficulties arise. You can actually face them with complete optimism and positivity.
It may sound unnatural or even counterintuitive, but you can actually choose to see obstacles almost exclusively as opportunities for growth. You can see problems as presents from the universe. You can see catastrophes as catalysts for change. So, when bad stuff happens, and it will… you can choose to see it as a negative or you can start looking for the growth opportunity. If you see your problems as the gifts that they truly are then you can transform that useless negative energy and use the effort instead, to solve the problem and in so doing… grow!
Recently I was getting a cup of coffee in a restaurant when the cashier looked downright dejected. I said, “what’s up?” She said, “on nothing, I just hate rainy days.” Really? Now here’s the thing, you will have the same amount of rainy days this year whether you hate them or not, so why would you let your attitude be turned sour simply due to a little precipitation? Hating something will not make it go away, so buy an umbrella and choose to be happy, and you will be a much more likable person. People will respond to your magnetism and it will make you a better communicator and a better person.